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Roots, Jazz & American Music - 2024-02-22, Barbro Osher Recital Hall, San Francisco, CA '2024

2024-02-22, Barbro Osher Recital Hall, San Francisco, CA
ArtistRoots, Jazz & American Music Related artists
Album name 2024-02-22, Barbro Osher Recital Hall, San Francisco, CA
Date 2024
Play time 01:19:49
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 705 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 428.25 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Introductions
2. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Horsin' Around
3. Roots, Jazz and American Music - As History Does
4. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Julius Says Ruff Ruff
5. Roots, Jazz and American Music - talk
6. Roots, Jazz and American Music - You Don't Wanna Know
7. Roots, Jazz and American Music - talk
8. Roots, Jazz and American Music - To Emerge British
9. Roots, Jazz and American Music - applause, introduction
10. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum
11. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Lions and Tigers and Bears
12. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Perpetual
13. Roots, Jazz and American Music - talk
14. Roots, Jazz and American Music - SAtS
15. Roots, Jazz and American Music - talk, not sure who's on drums
16. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Stained Pavement
17. Roots, Jazz and American Music - talk, Miles on drums
18. Roots, Jazz and American Music - Jose's Journey
19. Roots, Jazz and American Music - outro

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