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Chick Corea - Complete Chick Corea on Deutsche Grammophon '2021

Complete Chick Corea on Deutsche Grammophon
ArtistChick Corea Related artists
Album name Complete Chick Corea on Deutsche Grammophon
Date 2021
Play time 3:17:53
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 601 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 959.31 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 31
2. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 42
3. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 53
4. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 64
5. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 75
6. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 86
7. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 97
8. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 108
9. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 119
10. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 1310
11. Solo Continuum : Solo Continuum 1411
12. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 1. Prelude
13. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 2. Ballade
14. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 3. Toccata
15. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 4. Humoresque
16. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 5. Invention
17. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 6. Fugue
18. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 7. Aria and Ostinato
19. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 8. Waltz
20. Suite - Improvisations For Two Pianos : 9. Inside The Piano
21. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 1. Africa
22. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 2. Europe
23. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 3. Australia
24. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 4. America
25. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 5. Asia
26. "The Continents" Concerto for Jazz Quintet & Chamber Orchestra : 6. Antarctica
27. Lotus Blossom
28. Blue Bossa
29. What's This
30. Just Friends
31. Homecoming
32. Duets for two pianos in three parts
33. Invention
34. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.113 Bulgarian Rhythm
35. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.69 Chord Study
36. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.135 Perpetuum mobile
37. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.123 Short Canon and its Inversion
38. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.127 New Hungarian Folksong
39. Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos : no.146 Ostinato

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Chick Corea





Live album