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Hatfield & The North - Hattitude - Archive Recordings 1973-1975, Volume 2 '2006

Hattitude - Archive Recordings 1973-1975, Volume 2
ArtistHatfield & The North Related artists
Album name Hattitude - Archive Recordings 1973-1975, Volume 2
Date 2006
GenreJazz Rock
Play time 58:43
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1081 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 344.44 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Hatfield and the North - Grosso Lavoro
2. Hatfield and the North - Drowning in the Bathroom
3. Hatfield and the North - K Licks
4. Hatfield and the North - The Crest
5. Hatfield and the North - Pink & Green Machine
6. Hatfield and the North - Further Dances
7. Hatfield and the North - La Barbe extract
8. Hatfield and the North - Confiture de la Barbe
9. Hatfield and the North - Born Again Crustacean
10. Hatfield and the North - Elevenses
11. Hatfield and the North - Farce Majeure
12. Hatfield and the North - Spaces Not Notes
13. Hatfield and the North - Song for All Our Mums
14. Hatfield and the North - Extract
15. Hatfield and the North - The Men's One-Metre Dash
16. Hatfield and the North - K Licks
17. Hatfield and the North - One of Wilde's
18. Hatfield and the North - Blane Over The Low Countries
19. Hatfield and the North - Drowning reprise
20. Hatfield and the North - Goodbye For Now
21. Hatfield and the North - Al Clark Presents

Archive content

Hatfield & The North



Live album