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Freddy Martin - Hits Collection 1933-53 '2019

Hits Collection 1933-53
ArtistFreddy Martin Related artists
Album name Hits Collection 1933-53
Date 2019
Play time 03:39:40
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 1081 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 491.54 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. and His Orch., voc. Terry Shand - Bless Your Heart
2. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - April in Paris
3. and His Orch.  - When Tomorrow Comes
4. and His Orch.  - Neighbors
5. and His Orch.  - All I Do Is Dream of You
6. and His Orch.  - Born to Be Kissed
7. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - I Saw Stars
8. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Then I'll Be Tired of You
9. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Be Still, My Heart
10. and His Orch.  - Must We Say Goodnight
11. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Isle of Capri
12. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
13. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Everything's Been Done Before
14. and His Orch., voc. Terry Shand - Little Picture Playhouse in My Heart
15. and His Orch.  - Life is a Song
16. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Tell Me That You Love Me
17. and His Orch.  - Reckless
18. and His Orch., voc. Terry Shand - Get Rhythm in Your Feet
19. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Paris in the Spring
20. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - I Couldn't Believe My Eyes
21. and His Orch.  - A Little Bit Independent
22. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - One Night in Monte Carlo
23. and His Orch., voc. The Martinettes - The Broken Record
24. and His Orch., voc. Terry Shand - Goody Goody
25. and His Orch., voc. Terry Shand - It's Been So Long
26. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - You
27. and His Orch., voc. Elmer Feldkamp - Beside a Moonlit Stream
28. and His Orch., voc. Glenn Hughes - Scatter-Brain
29. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - One Cigarette for Two
30. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - Intermezzo
31. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - The Hut-Sut Song
32. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - Til Reveille
33. and His Orch.  - Piano Concerto in B Flat
34. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - Why Don't We Do This More Often'
35. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - Rose O'Day
36. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - Tonight We Love
37. and His Orch.  - Symphonie Moderne
38. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - When There's a Breeze on Lake Louise
39. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - Johnny Doughboy Found a Rose in Ireland
40. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers & Stuart Wade - Jingle, Jangle, Jingle
41. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - White Christmas
42. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - I Met Her on Monday
43. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone & Glenn Hughes - A Touch Of Texas
44. and His Orch., voc. Eddie Stone - I Get the Neck of the Chicken
45. and His Orch., with Jack Fina at the piano - Warsaw Concerto
46. and His Orch., voc. Bob Haymes - From Twilight 'Til Dawn
47. and His Orch., with Jack Fina at the piano - Abraham
48. and His Orch., voc. Artie Wayne - Dream
49. and His Orch., voc. Glenn Hughes - Everytime
50. and His Orch., voc. The Martin Men - In the Middle of May
51. and His Orch.  - Laura
52. and His Orch., voc. Gene Conklin & The Martin Men - Lily Belle
53. and His Orch., voc. Clyde Rogers - Symphony
54. and His Orch., voc. The Martin Men - One-Zy, Two-Zy
55. and His Orch., with Jack Fina at the piano - Bumble Boogie
56. and His Orch., voc. Glenn Hughes - Doin' What Comes Natur'lly
57. and His Orch., voc. Stuart Wade - To Each His Own
58. and His Orch., voc. Stuart Wade - Managua, Nicaragua
59. and His Orch., voc. The Martin Men - The Lady from 29 Palms
60. and His Orch., voc. Murray Arnold - Moon-Faced, Starry-Eyed
61. and His Orch., voc. Stuart Wade - Come to the Mardi Gras
62. and His Orch., voc. Stuart Wade - Treasure of the Sierra Madre
63. and His Orch., voc. Glenn Hughes - The Dickey-Bird Song
64. and His Orch.  - Sabre Dance Boogie
65. and His Orch., voc. The Martin Men - The New Look
66. and His Orch., voc. Glenn Hughes - On a Slow Boat to China
67. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts
68. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - Music! Music! Music!
69. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - Wilhelmina
70. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - The Third Man Theme
71. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - The Aba Daba Honeymoon
72. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - Never Been Kissed
73. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - Truly Truly Fair
74. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - Down Yonder
75. and His Orch., voc. Merv Griffin - April in Portugal

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Freddy Martin
