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William Ryan Fritch - Deceptive Cadence: Music for Film, Vol. I & II '2019

Deceptive Cadence: Music for Film, Vol. I & II
ArtistWilliam Ryan Fritch Related artists
Album name Deceptive Cadence: Music for Film, Vol. I & II
Date 2019
GenreModern Classical
Play time 02:28:02
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 742 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 764.44 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Reshuffle the Deck
2. Silent River
3. Sinews
4. Lauren's Love
5. Imagined Worlds
6. Our Thirsting World
7. Spilt
8. A Tangle of Birds
9. The Weight of What's Unsaid
10. To Ache for What's Never Been
11. Abandoned Space
12. Same River
13. Mending What We've Cleft
14. Exit wounds
15. A Renewed Sense
16. Sirens and Cicadas
17. Emergent
18. Interlaced
19. With Each Sweet Submersion
20. Processional
21. Incrementalism
22. Hopeless Romantic
23. Visible Wear
24. Till Fresh Earth
25. Scraping the Dregs
26. Gut Level
27. Fractured
28. All the Feels
29. Lionize
30. Unwittingly
31. Sanguine
32. Implosion
33. Fatalist
34. Ricochet
35. Familiar Patterns
36. The Red Underneath
37. Sleight of Hand
38. Time Curves So Subtly
39. Dumbstruck
40. Separation
41. In a Senseless Ether
42. Spectral Chatter
43. Children in Wartime
44. Oh Great Inaction
45. When Tragedy Coheres

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