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Natassa Theodoridou - As Ta Ola Ki Ela '2016

As Ta Ola Ki Ela
ArtistNatassa Theodoridou Related artists
Album name As Ta Ola Ki Ela
Date 2016
Play time 00:43:03
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 956 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 293.81 Mb
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Play List

1. Natasa Theodoridou - As' Ta Ola Ki Ela
  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Natasa Theodoridou - As' Ta Ola Ki Ela
2. Natasa Theodoridou - Anisihos Keros
3. Natasa Theodoridou - An Eixa Meinei
4. Natasa Theodoridou - Dixe Haraktira
5. Natasa Theodoridou - An M' Agapouses
6. Natasa Theodoridou - Itan Allios
7. Natasa Theodoridou - Ti Noima Exei
8. Natasa Theodoridou - Gia Hari Sou
9. Natasa Theodoridou - Den Sta 'Pa Ola
10. Natasa Theodoridou - To Miden Ke To Apiro
11. Natasa Theodoridou - S' Agapao M' Akous

Archive content

Natassa Theodoridou
