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Miriam Hyde - Piano Imagery '2018

Piano Imagery
ArtistMiriam Hyde Related artists
Album name Piano Imagery
Date 2018
Play time 91:04 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 521 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 339.34 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Introduction to "Frost Fairies"
2. Reflected Reeds
3. Introduction to "Concert Study in F-Sharp Minor"
4. Concert Study in F-Sharp Minor
5. Introduction to "Magpies at Sunrise"
6. Woodland Sketch
7. Introduction to "Wet Night on the Highway"
8. Dragonflies
9. Introduction to "Forest Stream"
10. Spring
11. Introduction to "Ear-rings from Spain"
12. Ear-rings from Spain
13. Introduction to "Study in A Minor"
14. Valley of Rocks
15. Introduction to "Brownhill Creek in Spring"
16. Brownhill Creek in Spring
17. Introduction to "Study in C Minor for Right Hand"
18. The Poplar Avenue
19. Introduction to "Firewheel"
20. Pauline
21. Introduction to "To a Skylark"
22. To a Skylark
23. Introduction to "Lamp with a Fringe"
24. Lamp with a Fringe
25. Introduction to "Study in Blue, White and Gold"
26. Study in Blue, White and Gold
27. Introduction to "Lullaby for Christine"
28. Lullaby for Christine
29. Introduction to "The Fountain"
30. The Fountain

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Miriam Hyde
