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Robin Spielberg - In the Arms of the Wind '2020 (Remastered)

In the Arms of the Wind
ArtistRobin Spielberg Related artists
Album name In the Arms of the Wind
Country Remastered
Date 2020
GenreNew Age
Play time 45:16
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2585 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 836.12 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Dancing in the Quiet Rain
2. Just Float Away
3. Pages, Princesses and Daughters
4. That's How the Story Goes
5. Butterfly
6. In the Arms of the Wind
7. Take the Time
8. The Softball Game, A Swim at the Quarry
9. Dawn at Walden Place
10. Kitten's First Snow
11. Dream On

Archive content

Robin Spielberg
