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Grand Blanc - Laho '2024

ArtistGrand Blanc Related artists
Album name Laho
Date 2024
Play time 00:59:20
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1464 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 636.75 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The sound of is both masculine and feminine, garage-like and digital. This duality runs through all their music, even in the lyrics, where a balance is maintained between detachment and elevated romanticism
2. Halo is the name of the original work, while Laho is its alternative version. In the new version, the author "reverses" or rearranges the letters to create something new, yet still connected to the original
3. Tracklist:
4. 1-1. Laho
5. 1-2. Loon
6. 1-3. J'irai me baigner demain c'est sûr
7. 1-4. Oiseaux
8. 1-5. Immensité
9. 1-6. Nayan
10. 1-7. , Adrien Pallot - Hosai
11. 1-8. Fleur
12. 1-9. Nuit des temps
13. 1-10. Arcadie
14. 1-11. Canblaster's voyage of halo
15. 1-12. Nuée
16. 1-13. Pyramide
17. 1-14. Dans le jardin la nuit
18. 1-15. Free Solo
19. 1-16. Pilule bleue

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