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Father John Misty - Vacilando Territory Blues '2009

Vacilando Territory Blues
ArtistFather John Misty Related artists
Album name Vacilando Territory Blues
Date 2009
Play time 00:49:33
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 742 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 262.73 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 'Cause I don't want this life to end." Also balanced by lyrical introspection, "Steel on Steel" is an even more densely arranged, head-bobbing pleaser. These songs work well with the more tonally somber ones in the flow of the record, however, the spare guy-and-guitar pieces continue to be Tillman's wheelhouse. For instance, "Vessels" is a standout; a poetic remembrance, at once both haunting and sweet -- even pretty -- with melody in spades. Tillman has said that he abandoned batches of songs written for the album, ultimately using a collection of salvaged material without a central idea or sound. For the most part, this isn't evident without the heads-up, with the exception of two back-to-back "Blues" tracks. "Barter Blues," an epic banjo folk venture that ends with a weird rock jam fadeout, doesn't quite blend in, at least not in the middle of the track lineup. Shrieking saxophones open the next song, "New Imperial Grand Blues," like spaceships landing in the middle of an art-house romantic drama. Maybe the point is to shake things up, but add its deadpan, Peggy Lee-like vocals that temporarily abandon his trademark husky plea, and it's out of place. The album then returns to the sparse and sincere with "Master's House" and finishes in kind. Ultimately, Vacilando Territory Blues still sounds unmistakably like Tillman and not Fleet Foxes or anyone else, and fans will appreciate, even amidst experiments with density and diversity, his continued reliable songwriting and expressive vulnerability
2. Tracklist:
3. 1-1. , J. Tillman - All You See
4. 1-2. , J. Tillman - No Occasion
5. 1-3. , J. Tillman - First Born
6. 1-4. , J. Tillman - Vessels
7. 1-5. , J. Tillman - James Blues
8. 1-6. , J. Tillman - Steel On Steel
9. 1-7. , J. Tillman - Laborless Land
10. 1-8. , J. Tillman - Barter Blues
11. 1-9. , J. Tillman - New Imperial Grand Blues
12. 1-10. , J. Tillman - Master's House
13. 1-11. , J. Tillman - Someone With Child
14. 1-12. , J. Tillman - Above All Men
15. 1-13. , J. Tillman - Vacilando Territory

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