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Judy Collins - Fires Of Eden '1990

Fires Of Eden
ArtistJudy Collins Related artists
Album name Fires Of Eden
Date 1990
Play time 00:49:05
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 965 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 301.74 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Fires of Eden marked ' debut on Columbia Records, and she seemed to rise to the occasion with her best overall body of new material in more than a decade. Not everything on this album is memorable, but what is, is intensely so, beginning with the opening cut, "The Blizzard," a seven-minute epic that rates alongside any of Collins' most beautiful work from her classic years on Elektra. The words and music combine to form a screenplay in miniature, and the transitions between standard lyric and conversational passages in the lyric only add to the complexity of this long, flowing, lyrical piece. Her version of "The Air That I Breathe" is pretty enough, even if it won't make anyone forget the Hollies' recording, but a lot of the new songs have a special power. The title track offers an alluring vocal performance of a surprisingly impassioned lyric, while "Home Before Dark" presents her in a more ethereal mode. The production and instrumentation are the fullest heard on one of Collins' records since her transition from folk music to art song on the Wildflowers album, which makes the best of the melodies here come alive in rich and robust fashion
2. Tracklist:
3. 1-1. The Blizzard
4. 1-2. Fortune Of Soldiers
5. 1-3. Test Of Time
6. 1-4. Fires Of Eden
7. 1-5. Home Before Dark
8. 1-6. The Air That I Breathe
9. 1-7. City Of Cities
10. 1-8. Dreaming
11. 1-9. Queen Of The Night
12. 1-10. From A Distance
13. 1-11. The Blizzard

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Judy Collins



Live album