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Dobie Gray - Drift Away '1973

Drift Away
ArtistDobie Gray Related artists
Album name Drift Away
Date 1973
GenrePop Rock
Play time 00:34:49
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 815 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 205.72 Mb
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  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. MCA and ultimately to a Mentor Williams' tune that would become Gray's signature, "Drift Away," which also soared into the Top Five of the Pop survey in March of 1973, giving Decca their final Gold single prior to the label's collapse into their MCA Records parent company. The entire effort reflects the same insouciant vibe of the familiar title track with Gray's Nashville-based backing band featuring Williams , Mike Leech , Reggie Young , Troy Seals , David Briggs and Kenny Malone with Weldon Myrick and Buddy Spicher augmenting the lineup. Williams, Seals and Jennings provide a wide array of material, ranging from the driving "The Time I Loved You the Most," "Rockin' Chair" and the swampified funk-blues of "Lay Back" to the stunningly poignant acoustic ballad "We Had It All." "Sweet Lovin' Woman" is another refined love song with a slightly countrified lilt that is perfectly matched to Gray's sensual expressiveness, clearly pointing in the direction that Gray's subsequent endeavors would take. [In 2004, a remastered version of Drift Away was included along with the other half-dozen LPs Gray recorded during the 1970s on Hip-O Select's four-disc The Complete box set.] ~ Lindsay Planer
2. Tracklist:
3. 1-1. Drift Away
4. 1-2. The Time I Love You The Most
5. 1-3. L.A. Lady
6. 1-4. We Had It All
7. 1-5. Now That I'm Without You
8. 1-6. Rockin' Chair
9. 1-7. Lay Back
10. 1-8. City Stars
11. 1-9. Sweet Lovin' Woman
12. 1-10. Caddo Queen
13. 1-11. Eddie's Song

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Dobie Gray

