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Nacho Picasso - Jesses Revenge '2024

Jesses Revenge
ArtistNacho Picasso Related artists
Album name Jesses Revenge
Date 2024
Genreunderground hip-hop
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1490 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 473.27 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. and TELEVANGEL's "Jesse's Revenge" is a powerful return, immersing listeners in a cinematic journey filled with raw grit and dark allure. The album weaves a tapestry of intense narratives and brooding beats, exploring themes of vengeance and introspection. TELEVANGEL's production crafts a moody, immersive atmosphere, perfectly complementing Nacho's sharp, evocative lyrics. This collaboration marks a compelling fusion of storytelling and sound, capturing the essence of an artist re-emerging with bold, unfiltered artistic expression
2. 1.01 - , Televangel - Dear Druggies
3. 1.02 - , Televangel - Do It for Johnny
4. 1.03 - , Televangel - Mazzy Star
5. 1.04 - , Televangel - Light Skin Jason Statham
6. 1.05 - , Televangel - Memory Lane
7. 1.06 - , Televangel - Still Ballin'
8. 1.07 - , Televangel - The Old Nacho
9. 1.08 - , Televangel - Nacho Blues 2
10. 1.09 - , Televangel - I Can Still Smoke
11. 1.10 - , Televangel - Ryuichi Sakamoto
12. 1.11 - , Televangel - Portuguese Island
13. 1.12 - , Televangel - I Be Mad!
14. 1.13 - , Televangel - Let It Go
15. 1.14 - , Televangel - I Am

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