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Edith Piaf - Saga All Stars: La vie en rose / 1935-51 '2007

Saga All Stars: La vie en rose / 1935-51
ArtistEdith Piaf Related artists
Album name Saga All Stars: La vie en rose / 1935-51
Date 2007
Play time 00:54:35
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 548 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 217.22 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. It should be noted at the start that La Vie en Rose 1935-1951 is not a compilation meant for serious collectors of 's work; there are no rarities, bonus materials. or extensive liner notes to be had. For casual fans or curious ones, however, the album is a simple, effective starting point. Many of Piaf's major hits are here, all in chronological order, allowing listeners a basic, if truncated, look at her evolution as a vocalist. The presentation is elegant but simple, with no attempt to sharpen or enhance the original recordings, and the result is a charming fuzziness and warmth that permeate all but the latest songs on the album. The contrast is somewhat stunning -- the clearer pieces from the 1950s make Piaf sound younger than those from the 1930s -- but both are beautiful, and the changeover isn't so drastic as to disrupt the album's continuity. If there's any real complaint to be had, it's in the lack of material on the artist herself. It would have been nice to have some background information available about Piaf's life, music, or legacy, and the lack of such things is a disservice to new fans. Still, for those looking for a quick "essentials" disc, this may be a good answer.~ Katherine Fulton
2. Tracklist:
3. 1. Les mômes de la cloche
4. 2. J'suis mordue
5. 3. Mon légionnaire
6. 4. Je n'en connais pas la fin
7. 5. Embrasse-moi
8. 6. L'accordéoniste
9. 7. C'est toujours la même histoire
10. 8. C'est merveilleux
11. 9. J'm'en fous pas mal
12. 10. La vie en rose
13. 11. Les amants de Paris
14. 12. L'orgue des amoureux
15. 13. Hymne à L'amour
16. 14. Rien de rien
17. 15. Plus bleu que tes yeux
18. 16. Padam, padam

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