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Garth Brooks - Time Traveler '2024

Time Traveler
ArtistGarth Brooks Related artists
Album name Time Traveler
Date 2024
Play time 00:38:51
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 3029 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 840.93 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 01. Me Without You
3. 02. Rodeo Man
4. 03. Only Country Music
5. Minneapolis
6. 05. Neon Neighborhood
7. 06. The Ship And The Bottle
8. 07. Pleasure In The Pain
9. 08. The Ride
10. 09. Another Man's Sky
11. 10. We Belong To Each Other
12. It's the last week of August, and is gearing up to take fans on "the ride" of their lives with his 14th studio album, "Time Traveler."
13. Released last year as part of his seven-disc boxed set "The Limited Series," sold exclusively at Bass Pro Shops, "Time Traveler" explores songs that lived—or sound like they lived—in Garth's favorite decades of country music
14. Fans can stream it exclusively on Amazon Music starting September 6
15. The 10-song collection includes Garth's Ronnie Dunn duet "Rodeo Man," his Kelly Clarkson collaboration "The Ship and the Bottle," his reimagined version of David Allan Coe's "The Ride," and more
16. Coe released "The Ride" in 1983 – one of Garth's favorite tracks on "Time Traveler."
17. One of the song's writers, Gary Gentry, told NSAI's Bart Herbison that "The Ride," a lyric about an aspiring musician hitchhiking to Nashville and receiving a ride from Hank Williams' ghost, is somewhat reality-based. He told Herbison he wrote his part of the song at 4 a.m. and saw the ghost of Williams sitting shirtless on his couch
18. Garth was thrilled when they let him write the middle verse for his album
19. "For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to know what happened between when he picked him up and dropped him off," Garth said. "But it's not in the song. So, I got to write the middle verse, and it's so good. My favorite line is, 'Every story smelled like whiskey, and every word is gospel truth.' To me, that defines Hank Williams' music."

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