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Greg Joy - Celtic Traveller '2024

Celtic Traveller
ArtistGreg Joy Related artists
Album name Celtic Traveller
Date 2024
Play time 01:06:58
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1505 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 722.12 Mb
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  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
1. producer was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His love for the folk music of the British Isles led him to the Victoria Music Conservatory in the late '70s to study classical guitar. He has performed with a myriad of both Celtic and worldbeat groups, and has released numerous collections of Christmas and Celtic music of his own
2. Performing in various groups focusing on the Celtic jigs & reels and traditional folk songs, he developed his unique acoustic guitar style which utilizes open tunings and is based on a synthesis of folk, classical and light rock influences
3. has performed extensively with guitar, flute, mandolin and hammer dulcimer, always maintaining a thread of 'folk baroque' influence in his work
4. Greg owns his own record company with artists such as Mary Anderson , Lori Pappajohn , and Magical Strings
5. Tracklist:
6. 1-1. Harvest Dance
7. 1-2. Celtic Revelry
8. 1-3. Filberg Park
9. 1-4. Secrets Revealed
10. 1-5. Summer Solstice Dance
11. 1-6. High-Spirited Adventure
12. 1-7. Celtic Traveller
13. 1-8. Against The Tide
14. 1-9. Smoke And Mirrors
15. 1-10. Fading Light
16. 1-11. Ghostly Apparition
17. 1-12. Celtic Minstrel at a Blues Fest
18. 1-13. A Twist Of Fate
19. 1-14. Ancient Culture
20. 1-15. Perilous Journey
21. 1-16. A Race Against Time
22. 1-17. In Amongst the Heather
23. 1-18. Blue Sapphire

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