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Rhodri Davies - Relics of the Horsehair Harp '2024

Relics of the Horsehair Harp
ArtistRhodri Davies Related artists
Album name Relics of the Horsehair Harp
Date 2024
Play time 53 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1406 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 533.94 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. "This collection is a companion piece to my solo album ‘Telyn Rawn’ AMGEN 001 . I have invited some of my favourite musicians to respond to the eighteen improvised pieces on ‘Telyn Rawn’. I asked each contributor to imagine that the musical material improvised in 2020 was an ancient musical form that had fully existed in the medieval period, and, that each of their responses were to have happened centuries after the imagined formation of the ‘Telyn Rawn’ pieces
2. This album therefore proposes a new imagined repertoire that emerges from an already speculatively built instrument and equally re-imagined repertoire. As guitarist C Joynes comments, these creative responses offer a kind of ‘speculative fiction’ approach to the source material. At the point where this music reaches you, it has been filtered through imagined passages of time, various musical languages and histories, and channelled through the fictional ecologies of musicians, locations and instrumentation
3. The title given to this album of imaginary musical histories, ‘Creiriau y Delyn Rawn’ or ‘Relics of the Horsehair harp’, is inspired by the title Edward Jones gave to his manuscript ‘Musical, Poetical, and Historical Relicks of the Welsh Bards and Druids’ , a title I have always loved." - , Abertawe
4. Tracklist:
5. 1.01 - , Laura Cannell - The Tattered Skies Above
6. 1.02 - , Orphy Robinson - Nude, Lewd, Rude, Mood Food
7. 1.03 - , Jem Finer - Y Geseg Fedi Hedi Gedi
8. 1.04 - , Ko Ishikawa - Ama no Hatofune
9. 1.05 - , Phil Tyler - Arthur's Stone
10. 1.06 - , Stevie Wishart - Rhywbeth arall
11. 1.07 - , C. Spencer Yeh - AADDFFDDAA
12. 1.08 - , Richard Dawson - A Garden Farewell
13. 1.09 - , Brighde Chaimbeul - Sealbh an Fhortain air an Each Bhuidhe
14. 1.10 - , Aidan O'Rourke - Ceann an druim
15. 1.11 - , Pat Thomas - Maddad
16. 1.12 - , C Joynes - Triban Kill Reddin
17. 1.13 - , Ailbhe Nic Oireachtaigh - Éirí, a leibide
18. 1.14 - , C Joynes - Diegan Trore Ebil
19. Gwers Dafi
20. 1.16 - , Angharad Jenkins - Llonyddwch yr Hydref
21. 1.17 - , Laura Cannell - A Horse Head for Luck
22. 1.18 - , Llio Rhydderch - Morluniau o fy Ffenest

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Rhodri Davies
