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Nicole Mitchell - At Earth School '2023

At Earth School
ArtistNicole Mitchell Related artists
Album name At Earth School
Date 2023
GenreFree Improvisation
Play time 45 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1529 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 489.15 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. Review
2. American flutist and British pianist Alexander Hawkins stand as two indelible forces in the avant-garde jazz scene. Mandorla Awakening II: Emerging World and Togetherness Music , respectively, are stunning albums that I personally consider essential listening experiences
3. Recorded live last year at London’s Cafe OTO, this duo effort brings their adept improvising skills and bubbling chemistry to the fore while seamlessly transitioning from soothing atmospheres to intense avant-garde expression. Exuding fascination, “Miracle Witness” immediately earns our ears and hearts through an impeccably intoned flute whose reflective melodies shine over the dreamy piano textures that support them
4. Both “Interlocking Imaginations” and the closing piece, “Flicker Bounce Glide”, are more agitated, maintaining a dynamic rhythmic quality that never compromises responsiveness in their interplay. On the latter, Mitchell, toggling between flute and voice, operates over the resilient pulsing vivacity that emerges from Hawkins’ nimble pianism
5. A complex mesh of avant-garde and modern classical elements often enriches these pieces’ tapestries. “What Are You Afraid of”, a confrontational rumination on fear, freedom, and truth, is stirred by Mitchell’s provocative narration, before segueing into “There is a Balm in Gilead”, a traditional African American spiritual delivered with elegant tenderness
6. “The Stars are Listening” evokes the sounds of a primeval forest, breathing ample air via tinkling bell sounds, sparse piano notes , and multi-timbral flute calls. On the other hand, “Jalopy Ride” is an inventive blues piece delivered with a modern striding technique, showcasing the twosome’s ability to play with no particular concern with time. They definitely ear each other, interacting with bold shapes of their own
7. flute, vocals
8. Alexander Hawkins - piano, bells
9. Tracklist:
10. 1.01 - , Alexander Hawkins - Miracle Witness
11. 1.02 - , Alexander Hawkins - Interlocking Imaginations
12. 1.03 - , Alexander Hawkins - Jalopy Ride
13. 1.04 - , Alexander Hawkins - What are you Afraid of?
14. 1.05 - , Alexander Hawkins - There is a Balm in Gilead
15. 1.06 - , Alexander Hawkins - To Speak Truth
16. 1.07 - , Alexander Hawkins - The Stars are Listening
17. 1.08 - , Alexander Hawkins - Elliptical Rotations
18. 1.09 - , Alexander Hawkins - Flicker Bounce Glide

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Nicole Mitchell
