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Lead Belly - Saga Blues: Blues & Folk Singer '2005

Saga Blues: Blues & Folk Singer
ArtistLead Belly Related artists
Album name Saga Blues: Blues & Folk Singer
Date 2005
Play time 78 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 344 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 196.76 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Sentenced to hard labour on several occasions, and discovered by chance , came from slavery and became indeed Black America’s live hero of legend. His eventful wanderings took him from his native Louisiana to New York, a twisting path on which he gathered dozens and dozens of songs. Some were blues and some were work songs, and there was a whole pile of tunes that were folklore, but all were saved from oblivion by one of the greatest troubadours of modern times. In the extraordinary portrait gallery of popular Afro-American artists, has unique pride of place
2. Tracklist:
3. 1.01 - Leadbelly - Packin' Truck
4. 1.02 - Leadbelly - Death Letter Blues, Parts 1 & 2
5. 1.03 - Leadbelly - The Bourgeois Blues
6. 1.04 - Leadbelly - Easy Rider
7. 1.05 - Leadbelly - T.B. Blues
8. 1.06 - Leadbelly - I'm On My Last Go Round
9. 1.07 - Leadbelly - Good Morning Blues
10. 1.08 - Leadbelly - How Long Blues
11. 1.09 - Leadbelly - Roberta
12. 1.10 - Leadbelly - Backwater Blues
13. 1.11 - Leadbelly - Grasshopper In My Pillow
14. 1.12 - Leadbelly - The National Defense Blues
15. 1.13 - Leadbelly - Beeky Deem, She Was A Gamblin' Girl
16. 1.14 - Leadbelly - The Gallis Pole
17. 1.15 - Leadbelly - Frankie And Albert, Parts 1 & 2
18. 1.16 - Leadbelly - Rock Island Line
19. 1.17 - Leadbelly - Midnight Special
20. 1.18 - Leadbelly - Take This Hammer
21. 1.19 - Leadbelly - Irene
22. 1.20 - Leadbelly - John Henry
23. 1.21 - Leadbelly - John Hardy
24. 1.22 - Leadbelly - Where Did You Sleep Last Night
25. 1.23 - Leadbelly - In New Orleans
26. 1.24 - Leadbelly - Stew Ball

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