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Ben Lee - This Ones For the Old Headz '2024

This Ones For the Old Headz
ArtistBen Lee Related artists
Album name This Ones For the Old Headz
Date 2024
Play time 00:35:33
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1681 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 430.30 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. comedy album for Margaret Cho , duetting with Sarah Silverman, writing a psychedelic children’s musical with American literary legend Tom Robbins, or simply strumming away on his guitar and putting out over 20 solo albums of songs that have made romantics swoon for multiple generations, Ben’s career is always “confusing...but never dull”. Now, collaborating with his wife, actress Ione Skye, on their company Weirder Together, Lee is supporting other artists in creating bizarre and beautiful content spanning everything from podcasts and music, to events and fanzines, as well as film projects. “Ive always done what seemed fun to me at the time. There is no other compass for me than what is enjoyable... In general, the vibe that is getting you off as an artist is what you have to do. I think artists are most interesting and useful when they follow their own unique rhythm. That’s how you really create and change culture.”
2. Tracklist:
3. 1 The Way We Were
4. 2 Heavy Metal
5. 3 Positive Energy
6. 4 Less Control
7. 5 So Damn Hard
8. 6 Bad Luck
9. 7 Don't Stop Loving Too Much
10. 8 Friends With Freaks
11. 9 Lovers
12. 10 Gimmie Honey

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Ben Lee
