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Fennesz - Mosaic '2024

ArtistFennesz Related artists
Album name Mosaic
Date 2024
Play time 00:43:09
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2683 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 830.84 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Mosaic is ’s most reflective album to date, recorded at the end of 2023 and completed in the summer of 2024. Created in a newly set-up studio, it started from scratch without a predetermined concept, following a strict routine: working in morning and evening sessions with breaks in between. The album title, "Mosaic," reflects the gradual process of assembling elements one at a time, much like the ancient art of mosaic-making, preceding modern digital pixels
2. The working approach resembles the method used for Agora , but this time the album was completed without interruptions. Packaged in a DVD-style case with artwork by Jon Wozencroft, the design echoes Venice, yet the contrasts between land, horizon, and sea are sharper
3. 4, while “Personare” draws inspiration from 1980s West African pop music. “Goniorizon” originated from layering six hard rock guitar riffs, evolving into a complex texture that opened new creative paths. The result is a cinematic and multifaceted album, inviting listeners to explore its diverse influences and rich soundscapes
4. Tracklist:
5. 1-1. Heliconia
6. 1-2. Loved and the Framed Insects
7. 1-3. Personare
8. 1-4. A Man Outside
9. 1-5. Patterning
10. 1-6. Goniorizon

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