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Rim Banna - Krybberom '2003

ArtistRim Banna Related artists
Album name Krybberom
Date 2003
Play time 50 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 597 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 216.00 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. About this album:
2. is a popular Palestine singer. One of her famous album is “Mirror of My Soul” used as reference by many audiophile, due to excellent quality recording and excellent “emotional transfer” of pain and loneliness inside. We might not understand what she is saying , but her voice could “translate” the lyrics into enjoyable song. That’s the magic!
3. Krybberom actually older that the popular “Mirror of My Soul” , but still interesting to be discussed. works together with SKRUK to create a fascinating album, Krybberom. This album, most of them, are talking about Nativity with traditional song, culture, combined with great ensemble choir. If you ever hear “Now The Green Blade Riseth” album, then this Krybberom is most alike with it. But just the Krybberom sounds more sacred and “powerful”, instead the joyful in the “Now The Green Blade Riseth” album
4. layering on appropriate sound system. Most of the tracks are lacked of instruments, only some flygel , bass, and percussion
5. Tracklist:
6. 1.01 - , Skruk - På Himlen over Stallen
7. 1.02 - Skruk, - Hyrde, Bli Hos Meg I Natt
8. 1.03 - , Skruk - Folkefrelsar Til Oss Kom
9. 1.04 - Skruk, - De Hyrder Stirrer I Natten Ut
10. 1.05 - , Skruk - Stille Natt
11. 1.06 - Skruk, - Jeg Synger Julekvad
12. 1.07 - , Skruk - Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker
13. 1.08 - , Skruk - Jeg Har Ingenting Å Beskytte Ham Med
14. 1.09 - Skruk, - Karavanelederen
15. 1.10 - , Skruk - Her Kommer Dine Arme Små
16. 1.11 - Skruk, - Mor Fra Nasaret
17. 1.12 - Skruk, - De Hyrder Stirrer I Natten Ut
18. 1.13 - Skruk, - Sarah
19. 1.14 - , Skruk - Å Kom Nå Med Frihet

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