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Gazelle Twin - Shadow Dogs '2024

Shadow Dogs
ArtistGazelle Twin Related artists
Album name Shadow Dogs
Date 2024
Play time 00:31:58
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1390 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 314.51 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Gary Numan, Keeley Forsyth, Mark Jenkin, Beak>, Penelope Trappes, Sealionwoman and Marta Salogni provide shadow versions of last year's full-length 'Black Dog'
2. V technology and the nature of ghosts, looking into early EVP experiments and 'Poltergeist'-like TV ghosting. Eventually seeing her recordings in this way, she decided to ask some of her favorite musicians to create their own ghosted versions in response
3. Numan, who Bernholz remixed over a decade ago, provides a snarling, industrial rework of the title track, not really deviating too much from the original but fleshing it out with additional percussion and backing up Bernholz's possessed vocals with his own pained whispers. Predictably, Keeley Forsyth is more bold with her thematically on-point avant-opera sublimation of 'Two Worlds', and filmmaker Mark Jenkin - who directed and penned the soundtrack to 2022's brilliant 'Enys Men' - gets right into the spirit of things by dubbing 'Sweet Dream' to mucky cassette tape and disrupting it with disturbing radio interference
4. Double bassist Tye McGivern and vocalist Kitty Whitelaw also manage to subvert Bernholz's original material admirably, turning the wispy 'This House' into a noisy, doom-filled dirge
5. Tracklist:
6. 1-1. , Gary Numan, Ade Fenton - Black Dog
7. 1-2. Two Worlds
8. 1-3. Fear Keeps Us Alive
9. 1-4. Sweet Dream
10. 1-5. This House
11. 1-6. A Door Opens
12. 1-7. Author Of You

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