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Nick Cave - Loin Des Hommes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) '2015

Loin Des Hommes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
ArtistNick Cave Related artists
Album name Loin Des Hommes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Date 2015
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2261 Kbps / 88.2 kHz
Media WEB
Size 696.97 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 88.2 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 88.2 kHz
1. and Warren Ellis have written an original film score for Loin des Hommes – a French film written and directed by David Oelhoffen, set in Algeria’s Atlas mountains in 1954 and starring Viggo Mortensen and Reda Kateb
2. The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival on 1st September and had its North American premiere in the “Special Presentation” selection at the Toronto International Film Festival a few days later
3. Tracklist:
4. 1.01 - & Warren Ellis - Far from Men
5. 1.02 - & Warren Ellis - The Teacher
6. 1.03 - & Warren Ellis - Bloody Cheche
7. 1.04 - & Warren Ellis - Dead Horse
8. 1.05 - & Warren Ellis - Setting Out
9. 1.06 - & Warren Ellis - Mountain Scramble
10. 1.07 - & Warren Ellis - Dust Storm
11. 1.08 - & Warren Ellis - Bandits
12. 1.09 - & Warren Ellis - The March
13. 1.10 - & Warren Ellis - Berzina
14. 1.11 - & Warren Ellis - Farewell at Tinguit
15. 1.12 - & Warren Ellis - No Class Today
16. 1.13 - & Warren Ellis - Teacher's Farewell
17. 1.14 - & Warren Ellis - Far from Men 2

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