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John Moreland - Visitor '2024

ArtistJohn Moreland Related artists
Album name Visitor
Date 2024
Play time 37 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 2702 Kbps / 96 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media WEB
Size 729.28 Mb
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  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. After an impressive 2010s run of albums that earned him a devoted fanbase, accolades from outlets like The New York Times, Fresh Air, and Pitchfork, and a place in the upper echelon of modern Americana singer-songwriters, has already taken two unexpected turns this decade, both of which highlight his fierce artistic independence. First, he released a brilliant and sonically layered folk-electronica meditation on modern alienation, 2022’s Birds In The Ceiling, that took some of his fans by surprise. Then, after wrapping up a difficult tour behind that record in November 2022, he stopped working entirely. He took an entire year off from playing shows and didn’t use a smartphone for 6 months. “At the end of that year, I was just like ‘Nobody call me’. I needed to not do anything for a while and just process,” Moreland says. After nearly a decade in the limelight, constantly jostled by the expectations of his audience, the music industry, and anonymous strangers online, he carved out some time to rest, heal, and reflect for the first time
2. The result of that unplugged year at home is 2024’s Visitor, a folk-rock record that is intimate, immediate, deeply thoughtful, and catchy as hell. Moreland recorded the album at his home in Bixby, Oklahoma, in only ten days, playing nearly every instrument himself , as well as engineering and mixing the album. “Simplicity and immediacy felt very important to the process,” he says
3. This is a return to the approach Moreland took on his breakthrough albums, 2013’s In The Throes and 2015’s High On Tulsa Heat, both of which were largely self-recorded at home with a small cadre of additional musicians. Echoes of these early albums can be heard on Visitor , which finds Moreland shutting out the noisy world outside, and the even noisier digital world in his pocket, to reconnect with a muse that’s had to increasingly compete for his attention in the intervening years. Visitor charts his journey back to this muse. If Birds In The Ceiling’s theme was alienation, Visitor’s theme is un-alienation
4. Tracklist:
5. 1.01 - - The Future Is Coming Fast
6. 1.02 - - Gentle Violence
7. 1.03 - - One Man Holds The World Hostage
8. 1.04 - - Sobo Interlude
9. 1.05 - - The More You Say, The Less It Means
10. 1.06 - - Will The Heavens Catch Us?
11. 1.07 - - Blue Dream Carolina
12. 1.08 - - Silver Sliver
13. 1.09 - - Ain't Much I Can Do About It
14. 1.10 - - No Time
15. 1.11 - - Bixhoma Interlude
16. 1.12 - - Visitor

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John Moreland


Live album