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Olivia Belli - Intermundia '2024

ArtistOlivia Belli Related artists
Album name Intermundia
Date 2024
GenreClassical Piano
Play time 00:49:54
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2240 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 803.85 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 01. Anima I
3. 02. Bet Ha-Chaim
4. 03. Respiro 1
5. 04. Valadier
6. 05. Diomedea
7. 06. Respiro 2
8. 07. Mirando
9. 08. Anima II
10. 09. Pian Perduto
11. 10. Respiro 3
12. 11. Amber Maze
13. 12. Frater
14. 13. Respiro 4
15. 14. Sibyl
16. On her album "Intermundia", pianist and composer , who lives in the countryside of the eastern Italian region of Marche, deals with spiritual places that are said to have a special connection between heaven and earth. "In these sacred places, heaven and earth meet. They soothe and calm or beguile and enchant, opening up a glimpse of the transcendent," explains. "Here you are freed from all the non-essentials of the modern world and there is only you and your soul". To compose her album, visited eight special spiritual places throughout central Italy. Each track on "Intermundia" represents the special, deep feeling she felt there. For example, first single "Valadier" is inspired by the unique atmosphere of the temple "Tempio di Valadier" built in a rocky grotto - a centuries-old sanctuary in the Frasassi Caves in the province of Ancona. 's serene, wistful miniature conveys the hope and sense of absolution she experienced in this place. "'Tempio di Valadier' is my refuge where I try to perceive what is real but invisible, to shape the mind beyond physical things," discusses. "The temple conveys a unique beauty and a special atmosphere that comes from its perfection, contrasting with the bare rock." The title "Bet Ha Chaim" is inspired by the ancient Jewish cemetery of the same name in Pesaro. This cemetery, according to its Hebrew name, is considered the "House of Life." In "Pian Perduto" sets to music the landscape located on a plateau enclosed by three valleys, where the village of Castelluccio was once found before it was irretrievably destroyed by an earthquake. "Sybil" is dedicated to the peak of Mount Sibyl in the Italian Apennines, where, according to legend, the clairvoyant Sibyl lived in a cave. "Sibyl" closes the album as the climax of 's musical pilgrimage. Compositionally, drew inspiration for her album from the medieval modal system of church keys. She assigns the eight known modes to the respective moods of the places she visits. She interrupts the resulting eight compositions in the album's sequence with four quiet piano interludes named "Respiro" after the Italian term for breath. Six of the tracks are accompanied by a string trio. "The places I set to music on Intermundia are places where people seek spiritual growth and where we can become more aware of ourselves. Such places can be anywhere - we just have to find them" says

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Olivia Belli
