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Nicolas Horvath - Ehsan Saboohi: Iranian Haiku '2023

Ehsan Saboohi: Iranian Haiku
ArtistNicolas Horvath Related artists
Album name Ehsan Saboohi: Iranian Haiku
Date 2023
Play time 39 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2027 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 572.49 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. An unusual artist with an unconventional résumé, pianist and electroacoustic composer is known for his boundariesless musical explorations
2. Horvath is both an enthusiastic promoter of contemporary, avant-garde, experimental & minimal music and a rediscoverer of forgotten or neglected composers
3. Also known as Meldhkwis he created musical projects such as Dapnom & A.E.P
4. In this album, takes us on a journey to Iran with all of Ehsan Saboohi's mysterious and avant-garde haiku, as well as a much softer and more melancholic work that Nicolas had commissioned from Ehsan for his concert of Tributes to Philip Glass at the Palais de Tokyo in 2014
5. Tracklist:
6. 1.01 - - Where is the friend's house
7. 1.02 - - 14 Haiku: No. 1, Genesis
8. 1.03 - - 14 Haiku: No. 2, The season of spring
9. 1.04 - - 14 Haiku: No. 3, The Earth Awakes
10. 1.05 - - 14 Haiku: No. 4, Love, yae love
11. 1.06 - - 14 Haiku: No. 5, Summer Is
12. 1.07 - - 14 Haiku: No. 6, The Tree and Dawn
13. 1.08 - - 14 Haiku: No. 7, The old elm
14. 1.09 - - 14 Haiku: No. 8, Autumn Feels
15. 1.10 - - 14 Haiku: No. 9, The Colours of Autumn
16. 1.11 - - 14 Haiku: No. 10, Handful of Cold Light
17. 1.12 - - 14 Haiku: No. 11, Winter, Sae, Night
18. 1.13 - - 14 Haiku: No. 12, The First Snowflake
19. 1.14 - - 14 Haiku: No. 13, Winter Nights
20. 1.15 - - 14 Haiku: No. 14, One Day
21. 1.16 - - Three Music Haiku: I
22. 1.17 - - Three Music Haiku: II
23. 1.18 - - Three Music Haiku: III

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