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Charles Brown - 1948-1949 '2001

ArtistCharles Brown Related artists
Album name 1948-1949
Date 2001
Play time 01:07:57
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 281 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 142.20 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. singer left Johnny Moore's Three Blazers in 1948 since Brown's vocals were chiefly responsible for the group's success, but he was receiving no credit; people thought that he was Johnny Moore. His first 24 records as a leader, with Chuck Norris or Tiny Mitchell on guitar and bassist Eddie Williams, are reissued on this disc. The music was all recorded for the Aladdin label and nine of the selections were previously unreleased. "Trouble Blues" and "Get Yourself Another Fool" were minor hits. The main problem with the music is that virtually every song is at the same medium-slow tempo, so listening to this set straight through can be a little tedious. But it is very good to have this formerly rare material available in such comprehensive form
2. Tracks:
3. 01. Honey Keep Your Mind on Me
4. 02. Foolish
5. 03. My Last Affair
6. 04. Homesick Blues
7. 05. I Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home
8. 06. Dedicated to You
9. 07. What a Life
10. 08. How High the Moon
11. 09. Ooh! Ooh! Sugar
12. 10. Get Yourself Another Fool
13. 11. Baby, Do You Known the Game?
14. 12. In the Evening When the Sun Goes Down
15. 13. It's Nothing
16. 14. Trouble Blues
17. 15. I Don't Care Who Knows
18. 16. Where You're Alone
19. 17. Please Be Kind
20. 18. A Long Time
21. 19. My Interpretation of Love
22. 20. You Gave Me Everything But Love
23. 21. So Mistreated
24. 22. Tormented
25. 23. Alley Batting
26. 24. I Stumbled over You
27. More The Chronological Classics Albums

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