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Medeski Scofield Martin & Wood - MSMW Live: In Case the World Changes Its Mind '2011

MSMW Live: In Case the World Changes Its Mind
ArtistMedeski Scofield Martin & Wood Related artists
Album name MSMW Live: In Case the World Changes Its Mind
Date 2011
Play time 01:55:39
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 898 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 756.36 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 1.01. A Go Go
3. 1.02. Deadzy
4. 1.03. What Now
5. 1.04. Tootie Ma Is A Big Fine Thing
6. 1.05. Cachaca
7. 1.06. In Case The World Changes Its Mind
8. 1.07. Miles Behind
9. 2.01. Little Walter Rides Again
10. 2.02. Hanuman
11. 2.03. Amazing Grace
12. 2.04. Southern Pacific
13. 2.05. Hottentot
14. Medeski Martin & Wood merge rock, funk, and jazz in their spirited extended jams. Like The Grateful Dead, the group has found its true home in concert halls and clubs rather than in the studio. Veteran jazz guitarist John Scofield teams up with the trio on this live album, In Case the World Changes Its Mind. MM&W backed Scofield on his 1998 release A Go Go, and the four got together again as on 2006’s Out Louder. One thing that distinguishes the band is its ability to deftly move from deep grooves to more avant stretches. For example, one passage in “Hanuman” evokes the evocative impressionism of electric Miles Davis. The album includes five Scofield originals, one piece by bassist Chris Wood, and a number of group efforts. And it’s a thrill to hear the band tackle the traditional “Amazing Grace,” a cut featuring highly engaged solos by Scofield, Medeski , and Wood

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Medeski Scofield Martin & Wood
