| 1. The Curse is an American satirical black comedy television series created and written by Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie, and starring Emma Stone, Fielder and Safdie. The series filmed from June to October 2022 and premiered on streaming and on-demand for all Showtime and Paramount+ with Showtime subscribers on November 10, 2023, before making its on-air debut on Showtime on November 12. Its first three episodes were premiered at the New York Film Festival on October 12, 2023 |
| 2. Anthony is an American jazz keyboard player and composer. Medeski is a veteran of New York's 1990s avant-garde jazz scene and is known popularly as a member of Medeski Martin & Wood |
| 3. 1.01 - - Fake Tears |
| 4. 1.02 - - Bad Interview |
| 5. 1.03 - - Asher Approaches |
| 6. 1.04 - - Tiny |
| 7. 1.05 - - Tomato Pee Pee |
| 8. 1.06 - - Shelter |
| 9. 1.07 - - Lies |
| 10. 1.08 - - Pregnant |
| 11. 1.09 - - Parking Lot |
| 12. 1.10 - - Casino |
| 13. 1.11 - - Nefarious Light |
| 14. 1.12 - - The Curse |
| 15. 1.13 - - Happy News |
| 16. 1.14 - - Dougie Walks |
| 17. 1.15 - - Subterfuge |
| 18. 1.16 - - Stealing Files |
| 19. 1.17 - - Smoke House |
| 20. 1.18 - - Performance Art |
| 21. 1.19 - - Art Talk |
| 22. 1.20 - - Ultrasound |
| 23. 1.21 - - Classroom |
| 24. 1.22 - - Back Door |
| 25. 1.23 - - About a House |
| 26. 1.24 - - Dougie Digs |
| 27. 1.25 - - Whitney Walks |
| 28. 1.26 - - Scorpion |
| 29. 1.27 - - Steal the Stove |
| 30. 1.28 - - Ashram |
| 31. 1.29 - - She's a Lot |
| 32. 1.30 - - Pretend Buyers |
| 33. 1.31 - - Utopian World |
| 34. 1.32 - - Green Queen |
| 35. 1.33 - - Security Footage |
| 36. 1.34 - - Delivery |
| 37. 1.35 - - Neck Crack |
| 38. 1.36 - - Bone Dread |
| 39. 1.37 - - Nala Struggles |
| 40. 1.38 - - Whitney's Statue |
| 41. 1.39 - - Asher Makeup |
| 42. 1.40 - - Whitney and Cara |
| 43. 1.41 - - Fernando |
| 44. 1.42 - - On Camera |
| 45. 1.43 - - Talking Shit |
| 46. 1.44 - - Whitney Cries |
| 47. 1.45 - - Asher Jeans |
| 48. 1.46 - - Apartment Complex |
| 49. 1.47 - - Whitney Cries Again |
| 50. 1.48 - - House Reveal |
| 51. 1.49 - - Asher's Dilemma |
| 52. 1.50 - - Floating Hands |
| 53. 1.51 - - We Do This All the Time |
| 54. 1.52 - - The End |