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Mari Boine - Gula Gula - Hor Stammodrenes Stemme '2023

Gula Gula - Hor Stammodrenes Stemme
ArtistMari Boine Related artists
Album name Gula Gula - Hor Stammodrenes Stemme
Date 2023
Play time 43 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 766 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 235.69 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Exclusive re-issue of ’s legendary album “Gula Gula”!
2. For more than 30 years, Sami-Norwegian folk pioneer has brought indigenous culture to the forefront of folk and world music. She condensed her visions of cultural and environmental activism in her lengendary album Gula Gula, carrying the flame of the Norwegian Sami culture
3. Originally released on her own label and later by Peter Gabriel's Real World Records, "Gula Gula" won Mari her first Spellemannprisen in 1989
4. For this exclusive By Norse re-issue set for release in December 2023, the original recording tapes from 1989 were located and two previously unreleased tracks from the Gula Gula studio sessions were discovered. The two songs have been mixed by the original producer Tellef Kvifte, and the full album remastered by Robin Schmidt
5. This edition includes the authentic producer notes, and the artwork was re-envisioned by the original designer Madla Hruza
6. Tracklist:
7. 1.01 - - Gula Gula
8. 1.02 - - Vilges Suola
9. 1.03 - - Balu Badjel Go Vuoittán
10. 1.04 - - Du Lahka
11. 1.05 - - It Šat Duolmma Mu
12. 1.06 - - Eadnán Bákti
13. 1.07 - - Oppskrift For Herrefolk
14. 1.08 - - Duinne
15. 1.09 - - Davás
16. 1.10 - - Gi Meg Handa Di, Søster

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