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Dean Hurley - The Mystic (Original Score) '2023

The Mystic (Original Score)
ArtistDean Hurley Related artists
Album name The Mystic (Original Score)
Date 2023
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1489 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 448.44 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. The Mystic 1925
2. A fantastically atmospheric but rarely seen missing link in the development of Tod Browning’s artistry, set amid his favored milieu of shadowy sideshows and clever criminals, The Mystic provides a striking showcase for silent-era diva Aileen Pringle, who sports a series of memorably outré looks as Zara, a phony psychic in a Hungarian carnival who, under the guidance of a Svengali-like con man , crashes—and proceeds to swindle—American high society. Browning’s fascination with the weird is on full display in the eerie séance sequences, while his subversive moral ambiguity extends surprising sympathy to even the most seemingly irredeemable of antiheroes
3. New 2K digital restoration of The Mystic, with a new score by composer
4. is an American composer, sound designer, and re-recording mixer. He has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award two times for the series, Twin Peaks . He is best known for his frequent collaborations with director David Lynch
5. Tracklist:
6. 1.01 - - Main Title
7. 1.02 - - Carnival Calliope
8. 1.03 - - We'll Fix Him
9. 1.04 - - Trapping the Stranger
10. 1.05 - - The Proposition
11. 1.06 - - The First Seance
12. 1.07 - - Who Is That Woman?
13. 1.08 - - Plotting
14. 1.09 - - The Second Seance
15. 1.10 - - Earthly Possessions
16. 1.11 - - A Change of Heart
17. 1.12 - - We're Not Going Through With It
18. 1.13 - - The Lobby
19. 1.14 - - Final Suite
20. 1.15 - - The End

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