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Archive - Voleuses (Musique du film Netflix) '2023

Voleuses (Musique du film Netflix)
ArtistArchive Related artists
Album name Voleuses (Musique du film Netflix)
Date 2023
Play time 56 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1653 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 649.34 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. British band are to release their soundtrack to new French film Voleuses , known as Wingwomen, in the UK. The soundtrack is out today , with the film arriving at Netflix on November 1st
2. Music from the film, by the band , is a captivating fusion of electronic, avant-garde, post-rock, and progressive rock. This London-based musical group has skillfully incorporated a plethora of musical elements to create an immersive auditory panorama. The music mirrors the narrative of Carole and Alex, two skilled thieves fighting for freedom
3. Tracklist:
4. 1.01 - - Flying
5. 1.02 - - Quad
6. 1.03 - - The Skies Collapsing On To Us
7. 1.04 - - Shades
8. 1.05 - - Darts
9. 1.06 - - Beautiful
10. 1.07 - - Time On My Hands
11. 1.08 - - Dark
12. 1.09 - - Streets
13. 1.10 - - Pulses
14. 1.11 - - A World That Can Exist
15. 1.12 - - Take It Away
16. 1.13 - - Walking
17. 1.14 - - Breathe In Me
18. 1.15 - - Dreams
19. 1.16 - - Together
20. 1.17 - - Tower
21. 1.18 - - Dying

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