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Jim Black - My Choice '2021

My Choice
ArtistJim Black Related artists
Album name My Choice
Date 2021
GenreContemporary Jazz
Play time 52:35
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 778 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 292.34 Mb
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  • Quality
  • MP3 320 kbps
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
MP3 320 kbps   
1. Back in the 90s, producer Stefan Winter got to know and appreciate drummer as a JMT sideman of Tim Berne and Uri Caine. 20 years ago, the young drummer fulfills his dream of releasing his first leader album on the label that is also home to the recordings of Tim Berne, Uri Caine and Paul Motion. For the anniversary of WINTER & WINTER, compiles his personal selection of the recordings of his group AlasNoAxis: Music for open ears, for explorers of the unusual and unconventional. The musicians of AlasNoAxis combine jazz elements, new wave and grunge to create their very own sound. Stefan Hentz writes: »…atmospheric songs in which the saxophone sings while bass, drums and Hilmar Jensson's peculiarly motionless guitar shred the familiar and pile up new energies with the fragility of dissolved harmonies, the power of their power chords or even with true feedback orgies.«
2. My Choice: When Stefan initially approached me to record my first album as a leader for WINTER & WINTER, I told him »yes« on the condition that I was only interested in recording my own compositions. He said »I want you to record your own compositions.« I said »But you have no idea what kind of music I write!« He replied »I trust you…« The fact was, I didn’t have a clue what to write… but an invitation to be more than you can imagine yourself being is a call to grow
3. songwriters seemed like a mix I would want to hear. [Not lost on me, the band Sonic Youth was already focusing on this through their own lens.]
4. Oh, delusions of grandeur, what one wouldn’t give to write the next Beach Boys’ »Pet Sounds«… Instead, the first song I wrote was the absolutely strange »Optical« [track 8] included here
5. songwriter virtuoso Joni Mitchell would pick up a guitar and tune it to a random tuning that she thought sounded good, and would then proceed to slowly figure out her own chords and progressions while singing melodies on top to write songs… [Sounds like a great idea, let’s go!]
6. Thus began my journey to write all of the music for AlasNoAxis on various randomly tuned electric baritone guitars, while having no idea how to properly play guitar. A slow and painstaking process to say the least but one well worth the effort and unexpected rewards. Removing all technical knowledge from writing on an instrument forces one to only write exactly what one hears – there are no instrumental skills or tricks to save you. If I couldn’t sing the melodies, I wouldn’t write them down. After I had the songs, I needed the right band to provide all of the sound, color, shape, energy, and to breathe life and soul into these sonic imaginations
7. After two minutes of thought, it was an obvious choice to give them to my oldest and most open-minded musical friends at that time: Chris Speed, Hilmar Jensson, and Skúli Sverrisson. With these gentlepersons, you are working with artisans that play, arrange, and spontaneously compose from the inside of each composition, highlighting the meaning and message of each section of every song. You can trust nobody will come to the music and simply drop a familiar musical ‘style‘ on top; they are going to search for approaches and sounds that make each song unique – even spending hours rehearsing 1 bar of material to find the just the right vibe
8. The compilation [»My Choice«] you are in possession of is a sampler platter. Hopefully it piques your interest to explore each of these six albums in full. Thank you for listening to our music
9. Special thanks to Stefan and Mariko for the trust and believing in my music, even though they had no clue what they were getting into. —
10. , drums
11. Hilmar Jensson, guitar
12. Chris Speed, tenor saxophone, clarinet
13. Skúli Sverrisson, bass
14. 1.01 - - Z
15. 1.02 - - Cahme
16. 1.03 - - Maybe
17. 1.04 - - Naluch
18. 1.05 - - Let It Down
19. 1.06 - - You Know Just Because
20. 1.07 - - Super K’s
21. 1.08 - - Optical
22. 1.09 - - Dogs of Great Indifference
23. 1.10 - - Awkwarder

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