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Johnny Flynn - A Larum '2008

A Larum
ArtistJohnny Flynn Related artists
Album name A Larum
Date 2008
Play time 53 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 765 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 295.87 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. A Larum is the debut album of London-based folk rock musician , released in the UK on May 26, 2008 and in the US on July 29, 2008. On the album, Flynn is backed by his band the Sussex Wit
2. Except I've never been as sweet" float by on breezily mischievous melodies), and such playfulness is hardly an anomaly here. In fact, it's far more rare to find tunes on A Larum that don't quite hit the mark, though slower numbers like "Brown Trout Blues" do have a tendency to drag. Fortunately, the bulk of the album is geared toward both Flynn's and the Wit's strengths — gently rollicking tunes, engaging lyrics, warm vocal harmonies , and well-timed instrumental interludes featuring horns , strings , and the occasional pair of spoons . The tangible intimacy between Flynn and his group makes A Larum not only an introduction, but also captures the gentle, amicable nature that makes them such an inviting and satisfying listen. ~ Katherine Fulton
3. Tracklist:
4. 1.01 - - The Box
5. 1.02 - - The Wrote & The Writ
6. 1.03 - - Tickle Me Pink
7. 1.04 - - Brown Trout Blues
8. 1.05 - - Eyeless In Holloway
9. 1.06 - - Shore To Shore
10. 1.07 - - Cold Bread
11. 1.08 - - Wayne Rooney
12. 1.09 - - Leftovers
13. 1.10 - - Sally
14. 1.11 - - Hong Kong Cemetry
15. 1.12 - - Tunnels
16. 1.13 - - All The Dogs Are Lying Down
17. 1.14 - - Shore To Shore

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Johnny Flynn
