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Eguana - Invisible Civilization, Vol. 5 '2023

Invisible Civilization, Vol. 5
ArtistEguana Related artists
Album name Invisible Civilization, Vol. 5
Date 2023
Play time 70 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1298 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 653.98 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. As I looked out into the vast expanse of deep extragalactic space, I felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over me. The particle dance that had led to the formation of the universe was still ongoing, echoing the Big Bang in every corner of the cosmos
2. And yet, amidst the chaos and turbulence of the universe, there were pockets of serene beauty. Bioluminescent ecosystems flourished in uncharted territories, their biochemical signaling creating a symphony of life that reverberated through the void
3. Even planetary migration, once thought of as a destructive force, was now seen as a necessary component of galactic superclusters. Quantum consciousness permeated every aspect of the universe, shaping its evolution in ways that we could only begin to understand
4. As I pondered the mysteries of the universe, I realized that my own journey mirrored that of the cosmos. Like the universe, I had been shaped by the forces of nature, undergoing my own particle dance to become who I was today
5. But just as the universe was constantly evolving, so too was I. And so I stepped into the unknown, ready to explore the uncharted territories that lay ahead. For it was only by embracing the mystery of the universe that I could hope to truly understand myself and my place within it
6. Tracklist:
7. 1.01 - - Deep Extragalactics
8. 1.02 - - Particle Dance
9. 1.03 - - Echoes of the Big Bang
10. 1.04 - - Bioluminescent Ecosystems
11. 1.05 - - Planetary Migration
12. 1.06 - - Biochemical Signaling
13. 1.07 - - Uncharted Territories
14. 1.08 - - Galactic Superclusters
15. 1.09 - - Quantum Consciousness

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