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Russel Walder - Speak To The Storm '2023

Speak To The Storm
ArtistRussel Walder Related artists
Album name Speak To The Storm
Date 2023
Play time 79 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1629 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 924.17 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. His range of scores, sounds, and film music covers the musical landscape with a unique originality. As a musician and oboist his sound has been described as mesmerizing, transforming, haunting, profound and astonishingly beautiful. has gained international distinction for his virtuosity, musicianship and profound interpretation of improvised musical forms. The oboe is little known outside of classical music and rarely played to it’s full potential: in the hands of Walder it has become recognized for its haunting spiritual sound and expressive range
2. His brilliant performance combines breathtaking virtuosity with emotional depth and pure melody that has resulted in performing around the world in many of the great Halls and Stages. ’s ability to create memorable music that stays with the listener long after listening has resulted in a Grammy nomination, multi platinum sales & global fans
3. Russel has performed with such diverse groups as Afro-Celt Sound System, Urban Tap from New York, and shared the evening with such such world talents as Real World recording artist Yungchen Lhamo from Tibet
4. Originally from Chicago, Russel stared playing oboe at 10 years old and quickly excelled touring Europe at 16 with the United States Youth Symphony. Russel went on to study at Boston Conservatory and California Institute of The Arts, ultimately getting his first record deal at 19 with Windham Hill Records
5. Russel's music for film is breathtaking and has resulted in best documentary nominations as well as three best producer nominations and an award for Best Instrumental Music video. Russel is currently composing and producing a new state of the art Arena show that will be the worlds first 3d Holographic live theatre spectacle
6. Tracklist:
7. 1.01 - - The Time Finds Us
8. 1.02 - - Path to The Path
9. 1.03 - - The Sovereign
10. 1.04 - - Walk on Water
11. 1.05 - - Hidden But Seen
12. 1.06 - - The Longer Journey
13. 1.07 - - Conception
14. 1.08 - - Beyond Doubt
15. 1.09 - - Emanation
16. 1.10 - - The First Truth
17. 1.11 - - Future Present
18. 1.12 - - Trusting the Invisible

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Russel Walder
