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Dengue Fever - Ting Mong '2023

Ting Mong
ArtistDengue Fever Related artists
Album name Ting Mong
Date 2023
Play time 34 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1498 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 368.60 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. 's sixth full length studio album. In Khmer folklore, a Ting Mong is a decoy or mannequin, similar to a scarecrow, used to fight away evil spirits and plagues
2. Formed in L.A.'s hipster-friendly Silver Lake area in 2001, traced their roots to organist Ethan Holtzman's 1997 trip to Cambodia with a friend. That friend contracted the tropical disease that later gave the band its name, and it also introduced Holtzman to the sound of '60s-era Cambodian rock, which still dominated radios and jukeboxes around the country. The standard sound bore a strong resemblance to Nuggets-style garage rock and psychedelia, heavy on the organ and fuzztone guitar, and with the danceable beat of classic rock & roll. It also bore the unmistakable stamp of Bollywood film musicals, and often employed the heavily reverbed guitar lines of surf and spy-soundtrack music. Yet the eerie Khmer-language vocals and Eastern melodies easily distinguished it from its overseas counterpart
3. Tracklist:
4. 1.01 - - Touch Me Not
5. 1.02 - - Silver Fish
6. 1.03 - - Macho Purple Sunset
7. 1.04 - - Great on Paper
8. 1.05 - - Prahok In My Suitcase
9. 1.06 - - Late Checkout at the Cedarwood Inn
10. 1.07 - - Room 720
11. 1.08 - - Over the Handlebars
12. 1.09 - - Wake Me Up Slowly

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Dengue Fever
