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Gill Landry - The Ballad of Lawless Soirez '2007

The Ballad of Lawless Soirez
ArtistGill Landry Related artists
Album name The Ballad of Lawless Soirez
Date 2007
Play time 00:39:32
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 727 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 206.02 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 01. Poor Boy
3. 02. Lawless Soirez
4. 03. Dixie
5. 04. Loneliness
6. 05. Ugly Town
7. 06. Desiree
8. 07. Anjolie
9. 08. Magdalene
10. 09. Mexico
11. 10. Gasoline Legs
12. 11. Coal Black Heaven
13. 12. Mutiny
14. Sleeping in the arms of hurricanes," his words, though hardly translucent, are clear and picturesque nonetheless. He's never a waster of images, nor of sounds: the only embellishments he chooses are the ones he needs. With its mariachi horns and mournful violins and time-warp clarinet, the twangy guitars and understated organ, The Ballad of Lawless Soirez creates its own world, somewhere between "the shoulders of highways," the "twisted streets" of Paris, and the great "loneliness in the middle of nowhere." Landry is schooled and immersed in the great Americana musical traditions and he wears them well, his voice just labored enough to ensure he's been there and back and just homey enough to make you want to walk his lonely avenues

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Gill Landry
