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Creation Rebel - Hostile Environment '2023

Hostile Environment
ArtistCreation Rebel Related artists
Album name Hostile Environment
Date 2023
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1554 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 468.44 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
1. Hostile Environment is the first album in over forty years from the legendary , who were the original On-U Sound house band and responsible for classics such as Dub from Creation and Starship Africa. The trio of Crucial Tony, Eskimo Fox and Magoo are back with producer Adrian Sherwood to create a modern spin on their heavyweight dubwise rhythms
2. It is the seventh album credited to the group, who originally coalesced as a live backing group for the late, great Prince Far I, in the process sharing stages with the likes of The Clash, The Slits and Don Cherry. Vocals from their former band leader, preserved on archive tapes, feature on the new record, as well as guest contributions from the likes of Cyrus Richards , Italian synth maestro Gaudi, and fast chat king Daddy Freddy
3. The album title refers to former British Prime Minister Theresa May’s controversial policy towards asylum seekers, and the recent Windrush scandal, all too relevant to a group of musicians of Jamaican origin who have spent their whole lives operating in the darkening shadow of a former colonial power with a staggeringly short memory for historic wrongs
4. Tracklist:
5. 1.01 - - Swiftly
6. 1.02 - - Stonebridge Warrior
7. 1.03 - - Under Pressure
8. 1.04 - - That’s More Like It
9. 1.05 - - Jubilee Clock
10. 1.06 - - This Thinking Feeling
11. 1.07 - - Whatever It Takes
12. 1.08 - - Salutation Gardens
13. 1.09 - - Crown Hill Road
14. 1.10 - - The Peoples’ Sound
15. 1.11 - - Off The Spectrum

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Creation Rebel
