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Joshua James - The Sun Is Always Brighter (Deluxe Edition) '2008

The Sun Is Always Brighter (Deluxe Edition)
ArtistJoshua James Related artists
Album name The Sun Is Always Brighter (Deluxe Edition)
Date 2008
Play time 00:49:00
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 781 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 275.88 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Tracklist
2. 01. The New Love Song
3. 02. Soul and the Sea
4. 03. Geese
5. 04. Fm Radio
6. 05. Today
7. 06. Lord, Devil, And Him
8. 07. Dangerous
9. 08. Abbie Martin
10. 09. Tell My Pa
11. 10. Our Brother's Blood
12. 11. Commodore
13. 12. Winter Storm
14. 13. Lovers Without Love
15. placed and I fell into place. I had uploaded 4 songs that had been recorded in my apartment in Provo, Utah to the myspace page that I had so proudly created. It was 2007 and I was in anatomy and physiology classes in "HOT" pursuit of a nursing career. As per usual, after my anatomy class, I headed to the computer lab to check my email and of course my myspace account. My plays were over 125 and I was beside myself about it. This kid was GOING SOMEWHERE i calmly muttered under my breath. My inbox had two messages, one from dancer1245 and one from a man named Shannon Edgar. I checked the dancer1245 message and quickly saw that it was a spam message. The one that i received from Shannon Edgar was a whole different thing. He claimed to be a producer from L.A. and had listened to my four demos on my player. He asked if i wouldn't mind giving him a call and left his phone number. I did as was requested and called Shannon. Our conversation stretched out over the next two hours and ended with me saying "yes" to flying to L.A. to have Shannon produce and record a record for me, with the vague understanding that we would "figure it out" after we made the record
16. The next month I flew to Los Angeles, i met Shannon Edgar for the first time, and my life completely changed. I had never recorded in a REAL recording studio and i was a novice
17. surroundings
18. (For example "FM Radio" was about a best friends father passing away. "Our Brothers Blood" was about the iraqi war. "Lord, Devil and Him" was about my youngest brother's drug addiction and attempt to rehabilitate
19. possibly do. And with the whole thing done in under two weeks I flew home and picked up right where I left off. Back to Anatomy and Physiology, to the books and the wild culture of Provo, Utah
20. Once the record was mixed we tried sending it to mulitple record labels. After very little reception from labels Shannon and I decided to release it ourselves. The VERY kind folks at iTunes showed their enthusiasm for the record by releaseing "FM Radio" as the free single of the week and giving it much appreciated online presence via their store and marquees
21. Because of the overwhelming positive response from "The Sun Is Always Brighter" I made the choice to deviate from my nursing path and pursued a life in singing and dancing. This record started all of that for me
22. I am a lucky man, indeed

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Joshua James
