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Ocelot - Ocelot '2021

ArtistOcelot Related artists
Album name Ocelot
Date 2021
Play time 56 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1305 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media CD
Size 516.83 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. – the new Brooklyn-based trio featuring Cat Toren, Yuma Uesaka, and Colin Hinton – presents its irresistibly vivid debut album, via 577 Records
2. percussionist Colin Hinton
3. represents the culmination of a year’s worth of composing, rehearsing, touring and local gigging for the band – including an October 2019 residency in New Haven, Connecticut, and a tour of the East Coast and Canada that deepened the trio’s chemistry and its approach to the material recorded later that month. Remarkably, Toren was pregnant with her daughter during the entire process, a challenge made easier by the keenly supportive relationships in the band. “We’re three friends who trust each other, converse easily and have tremendous respect for one another,” Toren explains. “Our relationships are the foundation for our interactive discourse, which can vary – we’ve performed concerts that were musically very patient, and we’ve played gigs at bars that were real bangers.”
4. Yuma Uesaka: Tenor saxophone, clarinets
5. Cat Toren: Piano, nord
6. Colin Hinton: Drums, percussion, gongs, glockenspiel, vibraphone
7. Tracklist:
8. 1.01 - - Daimon II
9. 1.02 - - Factum
10. 1.03 - - Iterations I
11. 1.04 - - Post
12. 1.05 - - Anemone
13. 1.06 - - Contemptuality
14. 1.07 - - Sequestration
15. 1.08 - - Crocus

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