| 1. Tin&Tina is a 2023 psychological thriller film with horror elements directed by Rubin Stein, which stars Milena Smit and Jaime Lorente alongside Carlos González Morollón and Anastasia Russo. It is an adaptation of the 2013 short film of the same name |
| 2. Composer: |
| 3. is an English composer and viola player. She is known for her scores for many films, including Eyes Wide Shut, The Merchant of Venice and The Wife |
| 4. Tracklist: |
| 5. 1.01 - Melanie Pappenheim - Tin and Tina Theme & Variations |
| 6. 1.02 - Jonathan Peter Kenny - Falling Slowly |
| 7. 1.03 - Melanie Pappenheim - Blood Stain |
| 8. 1.04 - Jonathan Peter Kenny - Battle Of The Angels |
| 9. 1.05 - Melanie Pappenheim - Cleansing Kuki's Soul |
| 10. 1.06 - Melanie Pappenheim - Lighting The Candle |
| 11. 1.07 - Melanie Pappenheim - Tied To The Bed |
| 12. 1.08 - Melanie Pappenheim - Baptising The Baby |
| 13. 1.09 - Melanie Pappenheim - Dark Night Of The Soul |
| 14. 1.10 - Melanie Pappenheim - Hell Scene |
| 15. 1.11 - Melanie Pappenheim - Unbandaging Tin |
| 16. 1.12 - Melanie Pappenheim - The Miracle |
| 17. 1.13 - Jonathan Peter Kenny - Phone Call |
| 18. 1.14 - Jonathan Peter Kenny - Story Of A Leg |
| 19. 1.15 - Melanie Pappenheim - Crucifixes In Suitcase |
| 20. 1.16 - Jonathan Peter Kenny - Crown Of Thorns |
| 21. 1.17 - Melanie Pappenheim - Seeing Crucifix Stain |