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Elliott Sharp - Void Patrol '2022

Void Patrol
ArtistElliott Sharp Related artists
Album name Void Patrol
Date 2022
Play time 50 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1556 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 563.66 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. Void Patrol is the debut recording of musical adventurers Colin Stetson , , Billy Martin , and Payton MacDonald . In the far reaches of space an intrepid crew of sonic innovators patrols the void. This new quartet that fuses elements of jazz, drone, and metal
2. Drawing on decades of experience with exploratory music, the members of the quartet have collaborated with Arcade Fire, Medeski, Martin, & Wood, Tom Waits, Alarm Will Sound, Jack DeJohnette, Oliver Lake, Iggy Pop, and many more
3. The five tracks might be described as “jazz dronecore funk metal,” sonic explorations into the deepest regions of space and time. Payton MacDonald brought the four of them together, with just enough structure to shape their creative forces, until their sonic waves burst out of the computer and into the cosmos. Their recording includes five tracks that by turns groove, wail, sing, and mosh with creative abandon. This is the music of our time: far-reaching, exploratory, effortlessly transcending genres, yet grounded in groove and drone
4. Colin Stetson, saxophones
5. , strings & electronics
6. Billy Martin, drums & percussion
7. Payton MacDonald, keyboard percussion
8. Tracklist:
9. 1.01 - Void Patrol featuring Colin Stetson, , Billy Martin and Payton MacDonald - Antares
10. 1.02 - Void Patrol featuring Colin Stetson, , Billy Martin and Payton MacDonald - Rigel
11. 1.03 - Void Patrol featuring Colin Stetson, , Billy Martin and Payton MacDonald - Sirius
12. 1.04 - Void Patrol featuring Colin Stetson, , Billy Martin and Payton MacDonald - Hadar
13. 1.05 - Void Patrol featuring Colin Stetson, , Billy Martin and Payton MacDonald - Acrux

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