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Andrea Marcelli - Abstract Percussionism '2023

Abstract Percussionism
ArtistAndrea Marcelli Related artists
Album name Abstract Percussionism
Date 2023
Play time 42 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1694 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 520.22 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 48 kHz
1. Over 200 compositions recorded and 2 included in The European & Digital Real Book part 2 by Shermusic, worked with Wayne Shorter, Allan Holdsworth, Don Menza, David Liebman, Bob Mintzer, Ekkehard Wölk, Markus Stockhausen, Alex v. Schlippenbach, Eberhard Weber, Alphonso Johnson, P. Danielsson, M.Stern, E. Gomez, F. Gambale, H. Bullock Wayne Shorter: 's music is vibrant and thought-provoking as today's events. Andrea is such a chameleon. When I first heard his music, it struck me that he played drums, clarinet, percussion, keyboards and composed in a variety of styles that defied classification, moreover his display of sensitivity and creative approach to the work produced
2. J.Kelman allaboutjazz Marcelli's compositions transcend simple melody, transporting the listener to places known and unknown, eliciting hidden emotions, represents something of a quantum leap for him as a player, but more notably as a writer. There's a maturity of concept, a clarity of vision, that makes Beyond the Blue something of a watershed for Marcelli
3. M.Luzzi Rockstar: music thick of colors tenuous and aggressive following a logic of voyages elegant and intense, sophisticated and solid, sparkling and deep. Marcelli is a sort of young Missoni of Jazz, able to immerse the compositive texture in a multitude of colors blended wonderfully creating harmonious drawings. A superb work produced with care and intelligence
4. K.Micallef Modern Drummer: Hats off to determination and talent
5. Tracklist:
6. 1.01 - - Phantom City
7. 1.02 - - Concentric Waves
8. 1.03 - - Figurative Art
9. 1.04 - - Abstract Percussionism
10. 1.05 - - Twilight Landscape
11. 1.06 - - Bamboo Groove
12. 1.07 - - Tree of Life
13. 1.08 - - Yantra
14. 1.09 - - Spiritual Yellow
15. 1.10 - - Tribal Geometry
16. 1.11 - - Contrasting Movements
17. 1.12 - - Harmony of the Spheres
18. 1.13 - - Geometric Abstractionism
19. 1.14 - - Prisms and Pyramids

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Andrea Marcelli
