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Dirty Projectors - Mount Wittenberg Orca '2023 (Expanded Edition)

Mount Wittenberg Orca
ArtistDirty Projectors Related artists
Album name Mount Wittenberg Orca
Country Expanded Edition
Date 2023
Play time 63 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2291 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
Media WEB
Size 968.77 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 44.1 kHz
1. , Björk - Ocean
2. , Björk - On and Ever Onward
3. , Björk - When the World Comes to an End
4. , Björk - Beautiful Mother
5. , Björk - Sharing Orb
6. , Björk - No Embrace
7. , Björk - All We Are
8. , Björk - Intro
9. , Björk - Ocean
10. , Björk - On and Ever Onward
11. , Björk - When the World Comes to an End
12. , Björk - Beautiful Mother
13. , Björk - Sharing Orb
14. , Björk - No Embrace
15. , Björk - All We Are
16. , Björk - Wave Invocation
17. , Björk - Motherwhale Song
18. , Björk - Whale Watcher Song
19. , Björk - Fugal Swim
20. , Björk - First Duet
21. , Björk - Migration
22. , Björk - Jubilation
23. , Björk - Benediction
24. , Björk - When the World Comes to an End
25. , Björk - When the World Comes to an End
26. , Björk - Beautiful Mother
27. , Björk - On and Ever Onward

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