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Sabir Mateen - Survival Situation '2020

Survival Situation
ArtistSabir Mateen Related artists
Album name Survival Situation
Date 2020
Play time 43 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 1499 Kbps / 48 kHz
Media WEB
Size 483.69 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Iconic downtown sax player , together with up-and-coming Texan clarinetist Patrick Holmes and drum wiz Federico Ughi, celebrate the cosmic dimensions of creative music via their new album Survival Situation
2. The three musicians have collaborated in the past, in New York, in different projects but never as a trio. This time they met in a recording studio in Tuscany, Italy, not far from where has been living for the last few years. They freely improvised, then took the tapes back to the studio and created this album, strongly influenced by Sun Ra, with whom Mateen played during various times throughout the ’80s until 1991. The other-worldly elements of the Arkestra’s universe are found here through the way Mateen uses vocals and plays keyboard
3. also lists as major influences his work with Horace Tapscott from 1977 to 1981, where and when he grew to be the legendary player that we know and his association with Cecil Taylor’s large ensemble from 2002-2005
4. Listen to the Survival Situation album, also available in limited edition vinyl, to directly connect to a legacy of magic in sound, as it projects towards the future of creative music
5. : saxophones, clarinets, flute, farfisa Matador, voice
6. Patrick Holmes - clarinet
7. Federico Ughi - drums
8. Tracklist:
9. 1.01 - - Freedom of Soul
10. 1.02 - - Souls
11. 1.03 - - Layers of Sound
12. 1.04 - - Clarifying
13. 1.05 - - You Can’t Touch That Because It Didn’t Hurt - Bonus Track

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Sabir Mateen
