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Matthew Herbert - The Horse '2023

The Horse
ArtistMatthew Herbert Related artists
Album name The Horse
Date 2023
Play time 01:16:54
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 2740 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media CD
Size 1501.52 Mb
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Play List

  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. Tracklist:
2. 01. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse's Bones Are in a Cave
3. 02. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse's Hair and Skin Are Stretched
4. 03. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse's Bones Are Flutes
5. 04. , London Contemporary Orchestra, Jali Bakary - The Horse's Pelvis Is a Lyre
6. 05. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse Is Prepared
7. 06. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse Is Quiet
8. 07. , London Contemporary Orchestra, Evan Parker - The Horse Is Submerged
9. 08. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse Is Put to Work
10. 09. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Rider
11. 10. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Truck That Follows the Horses
12. 11. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse's Winnings
13. 12. , London Contemporary Orchestra, Theon Cross - The Horse Has a Voice
14. 13. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse Remembers
15. 14. , London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse Is Close
16. 15. , London Contemporary Orchestra, Danilo Pérez - The Horse Is Here
17. DOWNLOAD & London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse MP3
18. DOWNLOAD & London Contemporary Orchestra - The Horse FLAC

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