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King Tubby - King Tubbys Meets Scientist - In a World of Dub '1996

King Tubbys Meets Scientist - In a World of Dub
ArtistKing Tubby Related artists
Album name King Tubbys Meets Scientist - In a World of Dub
Date 1996
Play time 53 min
Format / BitrateFLAC Stereo 937 Kbps / 44.1 kHz
MP3 320 Kbps
Media CD
Size 364.59 Mb
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  • Quality
  • CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
CD 16-bit | 44,1 kHz
1. Like any dub mixer worth his salt, the legendary had an entourage of proteges, most of whom went on to success of their own. Although Professor, Prince Jammy, and Prince Philip all made names for themselves in the sound-systems of Jamaica, it was Scientist who best absorbed the lessons of his mentor. KING TUBBY MEETS SCIENTIST IN A WORLD OF DUB, a 14-track collection of rare '70s dubs by the two mixers, shows both men at their peaks, and their styles are so similar that sometimes you have to look at the liner notes to ascertain who mixed what. Scientist leads off with the brooding, African-influenced "Ganja Dub," and follows up with the mysterious, echoey "Conversation Dub." The two mixers continue to alternate in classic battle of the sound systems style through the disc, each showing off his remarkable powers. At the end, it's a draw
2. Tracklist:
3. 1.01 - Scientist - Ganga Dub
4. 1.02 - - Conversation Beat
5. 1.03 - Scientist - Explosion Dub
6. 1.04 - - Explosion Dub
7. 1.05 - Scientist - Tribute to the Reggae King Dub
8. 1.06 - - Badness Dub
9. 1.07 - Scientist - Doctor Dub
10. 1.08 - - Feel Like Dubbing
11. 1.09 - Scientist - Coming Home in Dub
12. 1.10 - - Going Home in Dub
13. 1.11 - Scientist - Problem Dub
14. 1.12 - - Take It Easy Dub
15. 1.13 - Scientist - Fever Dub
16. 1.14 - - Patient Dub

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