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Enrico Macias - A lOlympia - Cest ca lamour (Live a lOlympia / 1974) '1974

A lOlympia - Cest ca lamour (Live a lOlympia / 1974)
ArtistEnrico Macias Related artists
Album name A lOlympia - Cest ca lamour (Live a lOlympia / 1974)
Date 1974
Play time 43 min
Format / Bitrate 24 BIT FLAC Stereo 3152 Kbps / 96 kHz
Media WEB
Size 978.41 Mb
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  • Quality
  • Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
Hi-Res 24-bit | upto 96 kHz
1. is a French singer and songwriter of Algerian-Jewish descent. He is known for his unique blend of French chanson, Mediterranean music, and North African rhythms
2. The album was released in 1974 and became a huge success, cementing Macias' status as one of the most popular and talented singers in France. The album includes many of Macias' classic hits, such as "Les Gens du Nord", "Olympia 72", and "Les Filles de mon pays"
3. " à l'Olympia - C'est ça l'amour" remains a beloved album among Macias' fans and is a testament to his enduring popularity and talent as a performer
4. Tracklist:
5. 1974)
6. 1974)
7. 1974)
8. 1974)
9. 1974)
10. 1974)
11. 1974)
12. 1974)
13. 1974)
14. 1974)
15. 1974)
16. 1974)
17. 1974)

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